Moreno Gentili

Ebreo perché

15 x 62 x 84,5 cm

Plexiglas, photograph mounted on gatorfoam and candles

The work is one of a series of posters that portray 365 items in sequence, like a mantra continuously repeating something. Ebreo perché (Jew because) represents 365 items of Judaism – names, events, places, precepts, traditional food, etc. – as a reminder that time not only marks minutes and seconds, but moments in History too. The work features nine candles, consumed differently by time, which have melted and filled different parts of the surface with their wax. The entire work has been placed in a Plexiglas box, almost as if it has become fossilised in time, with the passing of the different ages represented by the 365 items evoking the history of Judaism.

Other lights from the collection