Gabriele Levy

Hanukkiah in finto tufo di Matera

120 x 26 x 5 cm

Plaster, water, colours, stones

The artwork consists of five letters made of unfired clay and white stones forming the word Hanukkah, which literally means “inauguration” or “dedication”. It is a relational work. In fact, it is a copy made for the occasion of Matera European Capital of Culture 2019. The original was created for the occasion of the collection’s two exhibitions, one in Matera and one in Lecce, a widespread initiative that symbolically unites people and the institutions that made these exhibitions possible. At the end of the projects, in fact, one of the letters is being donated to the Mayor of Matera, one to the President of the Sassi Foundation, one to the Mayor of Casale Monferrato, one to the Must of Lecce and the last one to the Mayor of Lecce.

Other lights from the collection