Arcangelo Sassolino

Instabile come la speranza

189 x 150 x 29 cm

Stainless steel

The hanukkiah Unstable as Hope is an object that expresses strength, rectitude, brilliance It rises proudly from the ground to reach a height of two metres and generates flames of living, dancing fire, which ignite one after the other, marking time. A cylinder of methane, a gas lighter than air constrained in a container whose shape it takes, feeds it through a tube. «The real flames are not meant to be an allegory or a metaphor, but are in tune with my research – specifies Arcangelo Sassolino – which develops around adherence to reality. The contrast of the colour of the flames stands out against the cold colour of the stainless steel. My obsession is to compress time in sculpture. To do so, I capture and keep suspended those moments of instability proper to each material, freeing them from that closed form we all know».

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