The Jewish Community of Casale Monferrato would like to express its heartfelt gratitude for the invaluable and irreplaceable help
The daily activities of the Jewish Мuseum would not be possible without the volunteers who, using a traditional Jewish term, could be called “chassidim”, righteous men. The women and men who play a fundamental role ensure continuity, accompanying visitors, providing all explanations, participating in moments of reflection and cultural production, sharing their photographs, videos and investing in the dissemination and documentation of activities.
The Community of Casale Monferrato and the Fondazione Casale ETS also sincerely thank the many artists who have donated part of their works to the museums and who enliven the Jewish complex; the scholars, intellectuals and all those who share their knowledge, projects and visions.
The Municipality of Casale Monferrato, the Province of Alessandria, the Region of Piedmont and the Ministry for Cultural Heritage support the Community in its most attractive initiatives, as do institutions such as the Fondazione della Cassa di Risparmio di Alessandria and the Fondazione della Cassa di Risparmio di Torino. With the representatives of the monotheistic regions present in the territory, the Community maintains a solid ten-year relationship of friendship, dialogue and collaboration. The Prefecture, the Police Headquarters and the Weapons Associations are attentive interlocutors and guarantee the security of all events held in the museum complex. Special thanks go to The Rostschild Fondation Hanadiv Europe, which financed the inventory and cataloguing of the Community’s collection of old books. Special thanks go to the Union of Italian Jewish Communities and the Italian State, of which the Community is a part, which contribute to the preservation of the synagogue of Casale Monferrato by donating part of the proceeds of the 8 per 1000 and 5 per mille to this cause.
This is but a small part of the long list of people, institutions and associations to whom the community of Casale Monferrato wishes to extend its most sincere thanks.