Sonia Costantini

I giorni della luce

52 x 52 x 12 cm

Wood, mirror, iron, steel, and acrylic colours

The work consists of a wood base shaped like a box, painted with acrylic colours, with a mirror placed on its bottom. Above the mirror is a painted metal grid, divided into twenty-five squares; inside nine of the squares, spatially alternating, there are 9 wood parallelepipeds painted with iridescent blue acrylic colour. The parallelepiped placed in the central square, the shamash, is slightly higher and in a brighter shade of blue. On the parallelepipeds, there are little steel cups containing wax candles. On this hanukkiah, the candles are lit starting from the end, in a continuous becoming. The days of humanity, and its history, lay inside the grid of time. The symbolic gesture of lighting symbolizes humankind’s attempts to recapture spiritual and mental light.

Other lights from the collection